Fraxinus Tree
Mossy Red Rock
Roman Stone Block
Cupressus Tree
Mossy Stump
Cupressus Tree
Roman Column
Lichen Rock
Mossy Rock
Olea europaea
Lichen Yellow Rock
Olea europaea
Lichen Yellow Rock
Pine Tree
Mossy Red Rock
Cupressus Tree
Lichen Yellow Rock
Mossy Stump
Mossy Rock
Mossy Rock
Mossy Rock
Roman Stone Block
Mossy Red Rock
Mossy Red Rock
Orange Lichen Rock
Lichen Rock
Mossy Rock
Mossy Rock
Mossy Rock
Mossy Stump
Mossy Red Rock
Mossy Rock
Lichen Rock
Roman Column
Roman Stone Waterways
Lichen Rock
Lichen Rock
Lichen Rock
Snowy Pine Tree
Mossy Rock
Lichen Rock
Mossy Red Rock
Snowy Cliff
Phoenix dactylifera
Snowy Rock
Phoenix dactylifera
Snowy Red Rock
Burnt Ground and Rock
Mossy Rocks & Dried Leaves
Snowy Pine Tree
Mossy Rock
Burnt Ground and Rocks
Snowy Rock
Mossy Rock
Snowy Rock
Schist Marble Embankment
Snowy Pine Tree
Snowy Rock
Platanus Tree
Mossy Rock
Lichen Red Rock
Pinus brutia Tree
Mossy Red Rock
Pinus brutia Tree
Mossy Rock
Mossy Rock
Schist Marble Rock
Mossy Rock
Snowy Stump
Mossy Rock
Mossy Rock
Mossy Rock
Schist Marble Rock
Lichen Rock
Soil Embankment
Roman Stairs
Snowy Rock
Schist Marble Rock
Mossy Log
Snowy Red Rock
Lichen Rock
Snowy Pine Tree
Burnt Pine Tree